The Aims of the RSPGS:
- To revert damaged Boring Grid Squares back to their previous levels of tedium.
- To preserve existing Boring Grid Squares.
- To create, wherever feasible, new Boring Grid Squares.
- To create at least one Blank Grid Square.
How we achieve these aims:
- By discussion with landowners of Boring Grid Squares to agree to the removal of any
features visible on Landranger Maps.
- By assisting with the removal of features- both by raising funds for equipment when
necessary, and working on the ground.
- By pressuring the Ordnance Survey to move any non-geographical labels (e.g. text)
to adjoining grid squares.
- By campaigning to shift the entire National Grid system very slightly south-east,
which would automatically create a Blank Grid Square.
- By promoting the importance of, and threats to, Boring Grid Squares- in the media,
in schools, locally and nationally
How you can help:
- Join: email to apply
- Write to your MP
- Educate- our Boring Grid Squares Educational Pack for Schools will soon be available
for download